Sudhanshu Ambhore is a reputable insider from India. Today he published the first information about the new flagship Xiaomi smartphone on his Twitter page. This is not a conceptual model of the Mi MIX Alpha, which will be released only in early 2020, but about the Mi 10. The network informant has information that the release of Xiaomi Mi 10 is planned for April 2020. It will surpass the previous flagship model in absolutely everything.
The Chinese manufacturer intends to implement a large-scale upgrade. Bitter experience with the transition from Mi 8 to Mi 9 has been taken into account when the number of cameras has increased, sensor resolution has improved and optical stabilization has disappeared. Such blunders will not be missed anymore. The insider is 100% sure of it. Foreign media also believe that the next model of the flagship line will be decisive for Xiaomi.
The Chinese manufacturer will be attentive to all details. The developers have been tasked to demonstrate everything that Xiaomi has achieved since its foundation. It is possible that the presentation of Mi 10 will take place on the anniversary day – April 6, 2020. This is the day when Xiaomi will celebrate its 10th anniversary. The new smartphone will be equipped with Qualcomm’s newest CPU, the Snapdragon 865.
Support for 5G mobile networks will be implemented with absolute certainty. Chinese manufacturer will refuse to perforate the screen. It is likely that the smartphone will be equipped with a 108MP sensor camera. Some sources report the presence of a screen-waterfall.