ZIDOO, known for its high-performance Android TV set-top boxes, introduced a new device called the ZIDOOO M9, which is a versatile single board computer (SBC) based on SoC Rockchip RK3399. But unlike the well-known SBCs such as MECOOL VS or Khadas VIM, the new ZIDOO M9 is encased in an elegant aluminum case, which makes it look like a solid mini-PC or media player.
As already mentioned, the ZIDOO M9 is equipped with a powerful 64-bit Rockchip RK3399 six-core processor containing two Cortex-A72 cores and four Cortex-A53 cores operating at up to 2.0 GHz. The chipset includes a state-of-the-art Mali-T864 graphics processor that provides the system with advanced multimedia capabilities.
ZIDOOO M9 runs on Android 7.1 with the option to install a second operating system. The wireless technology supports 2.4GHz/5GHz dual-band WiFi with 2×2 MIMO and Bluetooth 4.1 technology support. Network capabilities provide 10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet connection.
The ZIDOOO M9 has extremely rich communication capabilities, including USB3.0, Type-C, Mini PCIe, 42Pin GPIO, dual camera support, etc.
Thanks to the powerful system, there are many applications for the new device. The ZIDOOO M9 can be used as conference equipment, training equipment, social networking equipment, streaming, film viewing (including virtual reality devices), IoT, translator, 3D advanced technology, facial recognition, drone, vehicle control, medical equipment, security equipment, industrial control, etc.
At the moment there is no information about the timing of the entry of ZIDOOO M9 into the market, its preliminary price is $159.